Bulletins en announcement berichten gestuurd door stations binnen een straal van 500 van je locatie | |||
roepnaam | ID | bericht | leeftijd |
Er zijn geen overeenkomstige bulletins gevonden. |
'Bulletin' berichten (BLN0 - BLN9) | |||
roepnaam | ID | bericht | leeftijd |
9M2PJU-4 | BLN0 | 9M2PJU-4 APRS Bot | 1h28m |
9M2PJU-4 | BLN1 | Visit https://hamradio.my/9m2pju-4-aprs-bot | 1h27m |
9M2PJU-4 | BLN2 | 73 de 9M2PJU | 1h27m |
9Y4C-8 | BLN1 | Stay Safe! | 37m28s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN1 | ((((((( CX2SA - Salto Uruguay ))))))) http://www.cx2sa.org | 3m26s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN2 | ((( CX2SA-8 ))) DXSpider DX Cluster - cx2sa.net:7300 | 3m24s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN3 | ((( CX2SA-S1 ))) iGATE-APRS Network http://cx2sa.net/iaprs.html | 3m22s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN4 | The latest iGATE-APRS servers list at http://cx2sa.org/SERVERS.TXT | 3m20s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN5 | CX2SA-EM APRS Email - Example> your@maildomain Hello World! | 3m18s |
CX2SA-AB | BLN6 | Send message to CX2SA-WI like: F callsign to WHO-IS info | 3m16s |
HG5OAP | BLN0 | AX.25 related chat on Telegram: https://t.me/ax25_packet_radio | 9m17s |
IQ8PC-2 | BLN1 | UHF Digi 432500 | 46m49s |
KC1HHO-9 | BLN3 | EASTERN MA 2M Traffic Net Daily 2000 hrs W1BOS Rpt 145.230 pl 88.5 / send NTS Radiogram to KC1HHO | 34m54s |
KC1HHO-9 | BLN4 | Great Hill Gang Radio Club K1GHG HAM meet up Aug 17, 8am | 34m24s |
KC3SXH | BLN1 | Off-road motorcycle event on Sept 7th | 26m54s |
KD0TLS-1 | BLN0 | Gopher Radio Club weekly meet, Sat. 2 PM, U of MN hamshack | 8h26m |
KD0TLS-7 | BLN0 | Gopher Radio Club weekly meet Sat. 2 PM, U of MN hamshack | 4h41m |
KL7AA-15 | BLN4 | Southcentral Simplex Net is Now Closed at 20:26 | 57s |
LA7ECA | BLN0 | Test bulletin | 1h18m |
MPAD | BLN0 | MPAD 0.60 Multi-Purpose APRS Daemon | 30m50s |
MPAD | BLN1 | See https://github.com/joergschultzelutter/mpad for command syntax | 30m44s |
MPAD | BLN2 | and program source code. 73 de DF1JSL | 30m38s |
PY1XTA | BLN0 | BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - 7.040MHz USB 300bd - ate 18:30 | 17h14m |
SR4EL | BLN0 | Witamy w Elblagu. Lokalne spotkania w kazdy piatek o 19 na SR4EL. | 2m52s |
VE7VIC-15 | BLN1 | Net Mon & Wed 19:00 146.840- T100.0 | 6h5m |
W0MHR-1 | BLN1 | MinnesotaHamRadio.com . Your source for information | 23h59m |
W1BKW-10 | BLN0 | UFB New England Sun Night Net - 730 ET Wires-X 62148 | 13m10s |
W8WLC-15 | BLN1 | NET M 7PM | 6m41s |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN0 | APRS to Twitter Gateway-Send an APRS message to WA1GOV-10 | 1h40m |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN1 | Your call and message will appear as a tweet from @wa1gov | 1h40m |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN2 | Share your US WX forecast on Twitter-Send WXBOT to WA1GOV-10 | 1h40m |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN3 | Get the next SATELLITE pass prediction for your QTH! | 1h40m |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN4 | Send an APRS message to WA1GOV-10 with a single uppercase | 1h40m |
WA1GOV-10 | BLN5 | SAT entry! See list: https://www.qrz.com/db/WA1GOV | 1h40m |
WXBOT | BLN0 | WxBot 1.31 US weather forecast via APRS message. | 3h53m |
WXBOT | BLN1 | Send a message to WXBOT for a weather forecast at your location. | 3h53m |
WXBOT | BLN2 | see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot | 3h53m |
WXYO | BLN0 | WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message. | 3h7m |
WXYO | BLN1 | Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location. | 3h7m |
WXYO | BLN2 | see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot | 3h7m |
ZS2OK-2 | BLN1 | PEARS Field Day starts: 09h00 on 7Sep | 37m31s |
ZS2OK-2 | BLN2 | PEARS Field Day starts: 09h00 on 7Sep | 47m21s |
Aankondigingen (BLNA - BLNZ) | |||
roepnaam | ID | bericht | leeftijd |
APRSPH | BLNA | Msg NET +text to APRSPH to checkin to daily APRS net. | 2h4m |
APRSPH | BLNB | Send LIST to APRSPH for list of day's APRS net checkins. | 2h2m |
APRSPH | BLNC | Send CQ +text to msg stns in list.LAST for last 5 mesgs. | 1h59m |
APRSPH | BLND | HELP or https://aprsph.net info. | 1h59m |
DB0RVB | BLNA | Rundspruch THR Info jeden 3. Samstag 18 Uhr Ortszeitø | 10h4m |
MTG-RRRA | BLNA | Red River Radio Amateurs https://rrra.org/ | 7h10m |
MTG-RRRA | BLNB | Repeaters (W0ILO) 145.350- 444.875+ 146.760- T123 | 7h1m |
MTG-RRRA | BLNC | Weekly Net 9pm Sun on W0ILO net@rrra.org | 6h52m |
MTG-RRRA | BLND | Monthly Meeting 7pm Sep 17 West Fargo FD HQ info@rrra.org | 6h42m |
MTG-RRRA | BLNE | 2024 RRRA Field Day Site is FD-RRRA https://fd.rrra.org | 6h33m |
N0NQD-1 | BLNQ | Hams in the park 2nd Sat each month 1500 Old Highway 8 NW, New Brighton, MN | 29m39s |
N0NQD-1 | BLNR | North Star Radio Convention 5th Oct. 2024 - https://www.northstarradio.org | 25m9s |
N0NQD-1 | BLNS | Promote MN Ham Radio - Support your local clubs | 59m20s |
RV3DHC-11 | BLNR | Server T2TROITSK (t2troitsk.aprs2.ru:14501) | 7m22s |
VK5ARC-1 | BLNP | Adel Packet/BBS Netwk 144.7 1200Bd www.scarc.org.au/packet | 55m40s |
VK5RHO-1 | BLNB | Mobiles use WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 & Home stns ADEL2-2 in Adelaide | 10m |
VK5RMB-1 | BLNA | Info on APRS in SA scarc.org.au/saaprs | 19m5s |
ZS2OK-2 | BLNA | PEARS Field Day starts: 09h00 on 7Sep | 32m41s |
Andere groepen | |||
roepnaam | ID | bericht | leeftijd |
APRSPH | BLN0NET | Send CQ [space] msg to APRSPH to checkin to daily net. | 4h14m |
APRSPH | BLN1NET | Send LIST to APRSPH for list of day's APRS net checkins. | 4h8m |
APRSPH | BLN2NET | LAST for msg log. Info at https://aprsph.net. | 4h7m |
APRSPH | BLN3NET | The APRSPH Net will restart at 0000Z. | 13h17m |
APRSPH | BLN4NET | More info at https://aprsph.net. Msg APRSPH for checkin. | 13h16m |
APRSPH | BLN4PH | APRS msg bots to try: APRSPH,MPAD,ANSRVR,WXYO,WLNK-1 | 9m9s |
APRSPH | BLN5NET | This is the daily APRSPH net, relay, SMS & APRS bot. | 13h13m |
APRSPH | BLN5PH | Msg MPAD to query WX, OSM, repeater, satellite info. | 7m |
APRSPH | BLN6NET | 0907:APRSID,KB3AWQ-14,KD4ADC-1, | 1h47m |
APRSPH | BLN6PH | Msg WXYO with hour # to query forecast in ur area. | 5m17s |
APRSPH | BLN7NET | Net restarts every 0000Z or 0800H Philippine time. | 13h10m |
APRSPH | BLN7PH | Msg WLNK-1 for Winlink. 'winlink' in status for alerts. | 2m57s |
APRSPH | BLN8NET | Daily logs & more info at https://aprsph.net | 13h8m |
APRSPH | BLN9NET | Full logs and more info at https://aprsph.net | 1h47m |
CD3PFL-10 | BLNA-WEB | Descubra APRS Web: https://aprschile.cl contacto@aprschile.cl | 13s |
CD3PFL-10 | BLNB-BCNS | Recuerde;bcns base/fijo/meteo: 30min | Movil/HT: Smartbeacon | 8s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN0MOWA0 | Ostprignitz-Ruppin: Entwarnung: Geruchsbelaestigung im Bereich Kantow-Dessow - Wusterhausen (Dosse) (MOWAS) | 10h46m |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBBAR | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Barnim. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 18h9m |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBEE | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 fuer LK Elbe-Elster. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 8m39s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBHVL | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Havelland. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 1h7m |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBLDS | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 fuer LK Dahme-Spreewald. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 9m21s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBLOS | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Oder-Spree. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 1h5m |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBMOL | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Maerkisch-Oderland. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 7m18s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBOHV | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Oberhavel. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 6m38s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBOPR | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Ostprignitz-Ruppin. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 4m34s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBOSL | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 fuer LK Oberspreewald-Lausitz. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 5m57s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBPM | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 fuer LK Potsdam-Mittelmark. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 1h3m |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBPR | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Prignitz. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 3m13s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBSPN | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 5 fuer LK Spree-Neisse. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 2m33s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBTF | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Teltow-Flaeming. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 1m50s |
DB0TGO-15 | BLN1WBUM | Waldbrandgefahrenstufe 4 fuer LK Uckermark. (mlul.brandenburg.de) | 1m10s |
DC1SK-15 | BLN1WNAP | MOWAS: Sirenenprobealarm - Weimarer Land in Weimarer Land | 5h11m |
DC1SK-15 | BLN1WNUH | MOWAS: Funktionsueberpruefung der Sirenen und Funkmeldeempfaenger im Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis - Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis in Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis | 4h16m |
DK0WUE-10 | BLN1KAWUE | - | 5h32m |
F1ZZF-2 | BLN0FRA | SYSOP STOP QRM SPAM RF *Objets Relais Telemetrie WX* | 29m4s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN0FRA | SYSOP STOP QRM SPAM RF *Objets Relais Telemetrie WX* | 12m39s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN1FRA | SYSOP Diffusez en DIRECT seulement! *Information Locale* | 12m34s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN2FRA | Serveur CQ APRS | 12m29s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN3FRA | Envoyer CQSRVR-FR [To] cq aprs [Text] | 12m24s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN4FRA | Messagerie APRS | 12m19s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN5FRA | Envoyer MAIL-FR [To] e-mail message [Text] | 12m14s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN6FRA | Annuaire QRZ.com | 12m9s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN7FRA | Envoyer QUI-FR [To] f indicatif [Text] | 12m4s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN8FRA | Net 18h 439.150MHz c071 -760 EL-F1ZSJ Metz(57) | 11m59s |
F8ARO-AB | BLN9FRA | Mtg Club Ven 14h Sam 8h https://www.f6kat.fr | 11m54s |
K4CDN | BLN | Happy Friday Y'all | 15h31m |
LA7ECA | BLN0NRRL | Karttjenesten, https://aprs.no | 53m14s |
LX0APN-2 | BLNALUX | XLX270 Reflector https://xlx270.epf.lu/ | 2m2s |
LX0KA-10 | BLNALUX | ADRAD 08.08.2024 ab 17:15 Bastel Owend am Shaek zu Remlëng | 21m28s |
LX0WX-13 | BLNALUX | XLX Reflector goes C4FM https://xlx270.epf.lu/ | 18m17s |
LX1CU-13 | BLNALUX | XLX Reflector goes DMR https://xlx270.epf.lu/ | 34m48s |
LX6K-10 | BLNALUX | https://www.HAMRADIO.lu (RL) | 43m44s |
MB7UEL | BLN1CPS | Possible 2 metre DX. MB7UEL RX +100 miles | 6h21m |
MB7VL | BLN1CPS | Possible 2 metre DX. MB7VL RX +100 miles | 11h4m |
TA3NHI | BLN | Only ham radio social site https://hamsignal.net | 14m9s |
TA5AHO | BLN1LOCAL | Welcome to Mersin | 21m49s |
TA5AHO | BLN2LOCAL | 439.425 Mhz T 88.5 145.600 Mhz T 82.5 | 46m34s |
WB5YYQ | BLN | LeeCo ARES Traiing Net on 147.22 every Mon @ 7 PM. | 51m25s |
YM2KAP | BLN1DUZCE | Mobilde WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 kullaniniz | 23m8s |
YM2KAP | BLN2DUZCE | Sabit Istasyonda WIDE2-2 kullaniniz | 8m3s |
YM2KAP | BLN3DUZCE | DX Role 145.650MHz 88.5Hz | 7h44m |
YM2KY-1 | BLN1LOCAL | Keep your distance Be safe, 73 from Sakarya TURKEY | 1m44s |
YM2KY-1 | BLN2LOCAL | Save lives, stay at home! / Hayat kurtar, evde kal ! | 13m39s |